Tue, 24 April 2018
Jingle Jangle... This week Kyle and Matthew are joined by returning guest Alexis Quasarano and her roommate and cosplayer Sarah-Jean Smith for a chat about Riverdale and the world of Archie comics. Somewhere in the last decade Archie comics went from a charming anachronism of the comic world to one of the most interesting and consistently excellent set of books out there. Then just when you thought that would be enough, they unleashed Riverdale on the world. Seriously, it's a great show. The gang chat about their experiences with the show. There's a lot of giggling. There's also a pretty intense sidebar about vore porn. There is a reason Kyle and Alexis are friends. So grab your Jughead beanie and sip on a milkshake from Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe while we take you on a tour of our new favorite fictional town.
Weekly Rad: Matthew: God of War (2018) (video game)
Kyle: The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling (documentary)
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: thisisradpod.tumblr.com |
Tue, 17 April 2018
Take a deep breath and focus on the rad. This week Matthew and Kyle welcome the incredible Laura House to the show for a chat about meditation. But before they dig in, they cover a whole plethora of topics. Laura is one of Kyle's favorite comics and her new album “Mouth Punch” is amazing. They talk about the origins of Six Flags and the glories of Norway amongst other things before getting into a pretty heavy chat about the benefits of meditation. All three folks on the episode suffer from some level of anxiety and depression and Kyle and Laura have both found that meditation was a bit of a life changing discovery for quieting the parts of their brain that want to ruin their day. It's a fun episode but also gets pretty raw and honest. If you find yourself dealing with any of these issues yourself, maybe this episode can give you some things you can explore for dealing with it. Try it out and hit us up on twitter with your own experiences! Weekly Rads: Burnside: Barry (TV Show) Kyle: The Breeders - All Nerve (album)
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: thisisradpod.tumblr.com |
Tue, 10 April 2018
Oh things just keep getting radder. This week Kyle, Matthew, and Laura welcome comedian Nicole Bucannon to the show for a chat about Queer Eye in all its incarnations (or at least the one from 2003 and the new one). They talk about the effects the show has had on the way they treat themselves and the way they look at the world and you better believe everyone has cried at at least one episode of the new series. This is also the first in a series of eps the gang are doing in their temporary living room studio. They've recorded there before but this is the first time they've brought a guest by the Casa de Matt and Laura. If you like loose and silly episodes this one is a good time.
Weekly Rads: Kyle: Baby Showers/Roasted Whole Pigs/The Food at Filipino Family Gatherings (concept/lifestyle/food) Laura: Nothanger Abbey (and more generally the collected works) by Jane Austen (book) Matthew: The new season of Trailer Park Boys (Show) Nicole: DILFS of Disneyland @dilfs_of_disneyland (instagram)
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: thisisradpod.tumblr.com |
Tue, 3 April 2018
Live rad and prosper. This week on the show Kyle and Matthew welcome Klee Wiggins and Alicia Orme into the very last recording session in the Meltdown recording studio. In the intro they discuss their adventures at the final Meltdown party and say a bit of a fond farewell to their second home of the last 7 years. While it is always sad to say good-bye it begins a new chapter for the show and for everyone's lives. But enough of this sad sack stuff, the gang sit down to talk about Star Trek and after nearly three hours they realize that this is only the first part of what looks to be a long series of chats about one of the greatest sci-fi properties of all time. In this installment they explore their first exposure to Star Trek, as it turns out, everybody has a nerdy family member that brought them to the Trekkie fold. They also talk about the TOS movies and Matthew gets an education in the long standing “Odd vs. Even” Star Trek movie philosophy. Plus, Klee and Alicia both may or may not attribute their early female awakenings to Wil Wheaton. It's long, it's rambly, it sets up future episodes, and we can't think of a better way to send off the old studio. Let us know what aspects of Star Trek you'd like to see us break down in future episodes. The world of TIR keeps changing but what doesn't change is how much we appreciate you, as always thanks for listening and being a part of our lives. (Can you tell we're feeling all emotional this week?) Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: thisisradpod.tumblr.com |