Fri, 31 December 2021
December was so jam packed that everyone gets one more Rad before we say good-bye to 2021. Kyle and Matt answer questions and do a little looking a back at the year that was. Thanks for listening and we'll see y'all in 2022!
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Wed, 29 December 2021
Oh boy folks, what an adventure. Our dear sweet Matthew Burnside had to step out of the ep moments before we began to record. Originally this was gonna be our classic end of the year round up with the boys from The Goods from the Woods. But Carter, Sam, and Burnside all had to step away so what you're getting is Kyle Clark and Rivers Langly doing what they do best: Talking. They recount their TV, music, and movies of the year. No top 10 lists. No epic retrospectives. Just two buds looking back on a crazy year and chatting about stuff they liked. A fun low key way to end a very weird year.
See you in 2022!!!
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Wed, 22 December 2021
This week on the show we continue our new Christmas tradition of having Keith Carey and Brandie Posey hang out and be funny. In the midst of more craziness in the world, come hang out with us and laugh through the anxiety!
Happy Holidays from This Is Rad!
Weekly Rads: Kyle - West Side Story (movie) Matt - Extra Long Twizlers (candy) Brandie - Elvis Costello’s Drummer jamming with Brian Cook and Rick Wood (sick jam) Keith - Ice Skating at the Honda Center with Tom Goss (activity/lovely experience)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Xmas_Riffin_2021_Keith_Carey__Brandie_Posey.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 15 December 2021
This week the boys are joined by comedian Dave Apkarina for a chat about their life with legos. All three of them were into legos as kids and have come back as adults. They chat about lego art, the evolution of the mini fig, the eras of legos, the the european flair that makes sure municipal vehicles will never go out of style...
Weekly Rads: Kyle - Rocky 3 (movie) Matthew - Halo Infinite (The rest of the game on top of the multiplayer) (video game) Dave - Tom Cruise Sci Fi (movies) In Praise of Shadows (YouTube channel)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Wed, 8 December 2021
This week Kyle and Matthew welcome the hilarious Virginia Jones to discuss the multi-talented comedian and musician Matt Berry. We chat about his incredible run of BBC TV show, his crazy music career, and his generation of British comedy. Plus, Virginia is from Texas so Burnside gets to ask some King of the Hill questions and Kyle gets stories about the Butthole Surfers.
Weekly Rads: Kyle - Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City (movies) Matt - Ghostbusters: Afterlife (movie) Virginia - Academy Museum (museum)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram) |
Wed, 1 December 2021
This week on the show Kyle and Matthew answer listener questions. For this month we threw out the theme of “Yes or No-vember” and it works pretty well.
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Wed, 24 November 2021
This week Kyle and Matthew welcome cosplayer and the person behind the This Is Rad! and Everything is Scary social media accounts. If you enjoy insane anime memes, Frank has got you covered. Frank shares memories of his early days of cosplay. The evolution of his life as Spider-Man, both as a signature cosplay AND as a friendly neighborhood web slinger (Frank is Spider-Man, don't tell anyone) Frank also does amazing work with children's hospitals and public events. We also explore the various philosophies when it comes to designing a costume, the fun of creating original cosplay characters, and he gives us some pragmatic tips for anyone who might want to dive into the lifestyle. We also chat with Frank about his life with Rad. Frank was an early adopter of the show and it's been lovely having him as part of the team.
Weekly Rads: Burnside – Radiohead's Kid A Mnesia (digital art exhibition) Kyle – Soul Coughing (band) and Crawler by Idles (album) Frank – DBZ: Attack of the Sayans (DS game)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Wed, 17 November 2021
Might we suggest you eat before this one. We're gonna say a lot of triggering words like reuben sandwich and potato knish and rugelach and This Is Rad! Podcast and it's subsidiaries and representatives are not to be held responsible for listeners breaking into fits of hanger and/or developing a serious case of the munchies. Author Alan Passman joins Kyle and special guest co-host Adam Cross for a delicious conversation about Jewish delicatessen experience. Turns out two members of God's chosen people and a stand up comedian have a lot of positive things to say about deli food. Plus, Alan has released a graphic novel that is also a book of poems that he wrote while waiting for a kidney transplant. Lot going on this ep. Shout out to Burnside (who is totally alive...)
Weekly Rads: Kyle – The Monkees (band) Adam – Silk Sonic by Bruno Mars and Anderson .Paak (album) Alan – Dave Grohl The Biography by Dave Grohl (book)
Check out Alan's Book "When The Pain Starts: Poetry as Sequential Art" on sale now!
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Wed, 10 November 2021
This week musician and heavy metal aficionado Eric Bryan returns to the show to chat about the one and only Black Sabbath. Kyle, Matthew, and Eric are all massive fans of the band. This is another one of those episodes where it's crazy we haven't done it in seven years of the show. But we go hard, exploring the different eras of the band and we try to give an objective look at some of the eras of that band that don't get the love they deserve. Plus, why are Black Sabbath the black sheep of Dad rock?
Weekly Rads: Kyle - Having your car paid for (event) Matthew - Peacock (streaming service) Eric - Akercocke (band) Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Wed, 3 November 2021
This week we have one half of This Is Rad! and Doctor DC as international life partners Kyle Clark and Richard Eden explore the delightful world of YTV and Much Music in the 90's and early 00's. What lives in the valley beyond Degrassi? Why are pineapples and skeletons synonymous with Canadian youth? Plus, what does an MTV style reality show look like in the great white north?
Weekly Rads: Kyle – Sellout: The Major-Label Feeding Frenzy That Swept Punk, Emo, and Hardcore (1994–2007) by Dan Ozzi (book) Richard – Guardians of the Galaxy (game)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Youth_Oriented_Canadian_TV_Richard_Eden_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Sun, 31 October 2021
This year This Is Rad! brings you five spooky stories written by Kyle and read by TIR! friends and family.
Episode Credits: (parenthetical @ for instagram) In case you're new to the show – This is Rad! Podcast (@thisisradpod)
All stories written by Kyle Clark (@kyleclarkisrad)
Hosted by Kyle Clark and Taylor “Debbie Falco” V-H (@realtaylorvh)
Readers: The Uncanny Valley read by Tom Goss (@gossgoss6) Camp Spirit read by Rosalie Atkinson (@roatkinson) The Hall read by Malik McCrea (@spikeleek) Desert Animal read by Andy Iwancio (@andyiwancio) Waifu read by Frank Gillen (@8armedspidey)
Opening Theme Song by Codefreq (
Special thanks to Matthew Burnside, Laura Knight, Adam Cross, and ALL our Radsters. Best pod-fam on the internet...
Happy Halloween!!!
Direct download: Halloween_2021_Master_with_wrap_arounds_-_103021_10.57_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 27 October 2021
Matthew and Kyle answer your spooky listener questions for October 2021!
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Listener_Questions__Oct_2021_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 20 October 2021
They're creepy and they're Kooky. Mysterious and Spooky. They're all together Ooky, The Radtober Family! Today we've got a wild one, we're joined by the queen of darkness Gabriela Contreras for a chat about the Addams clan. They talk the early New Yorker Cartoons, the original series, and many of the other forms but this is a group of kids raised in the 90's so they go OFF about the movie. Addams Family and Addams Family Values are all time favorite films for everybody on the episode. If you wish more podcasts had people screaming Raul Julia's name, then you have gotten your very specific wish. Dun, dun, dun, dun, snap, snap
Weekly Rads: Kyle – Malignant (movie) Matthew – Back 4 Blood (video game) Gabriela – The month of October (month)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Addams_Family_Gabriela_Contreras_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 13 October 2021
For week two of Radtober 2021 we are joined by Amy Drolet from the Everything is Scary podcast. We chat about the movies, TV, and media that scared the crap out of us at kids. Strap in everybody, Amy's internet was having issues and Kyle is in the throws of a cold. Things get a little wacky...
Weekly Rads: Kyle - Prince of Darkness (movie) Matthew - TK mini glitch (pedal) Amy - Gravyard Shift with Frank and Amy (instagram event)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Scary_Movies_That_Scare_Amy_Drolet_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 6 October 2021
This week on the show Brian Wiley and Daniel Nix help Kyle and Matthew kick off Radtober 2021 with an episode about the greatest mystery solving talking dog of all time, Scoobert “Scooby” Doo. Bet you didn't know that was his actual first name, huh? We chat about the eras of Scooby-Doo and get some insight from Daniel who has worked on several Scooby-Doo projects. Plus, we spend a good 40 minutes talking about Horror Nights and the return of haunts.
Weekly Rads: Kyle - Universal Horror Nights (event) Brian – Halloween Kills (movie) Matt – Squid Game (show) Daniel – Delusion (event)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Radtober_2021_1_Scobby_Doo_Brian_Wiley_and_Daniel_Nix_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 29 September 2021
Kyle and Matthew sit down for this month's round of lister questions. For just $1 a month you can ask us whatever. Go to to lay down your dollar.
Also, unfortunately Kyle will not be joining Nicole and Keith on tour in October.
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram) |
Wed, 22 September 2021
This week Kyle and Matthew discuss a topic that ain't nothing to f@ck with. They are joined by one of Rad's favorite guests, the one and only Ed Greer for a rousing discussion about the music and the cultural impact of The Wu Tang Clan. What kind of impact does the idea of rappers as super heroes do to a young person's brain? What are the entry points for getting into Wu Tang and what are the essential albums? All this and several hours more will get discussed as we step into the slums of Shaolin and enter the 36 chambers...
Weekly Rads: Kyle - Cobra Kai (show) Matthew - Code Red Mountain Dew float (tasty treat) Ed - The fallout from the Rocketeer reboot having a black lead (thing that happened)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram) |
Wed, 15 September 2021
For the first time ever, we had a guest who was unable to make the recording. As a result, Kyle and Matthew decided to have a free period and just chat about life and whatever comes up. Pull up a desk and hang out until the bell rings.
Weekly Rads: Kyle - Halloween Horror Nights 2021 (seasonal event)
Matthew - Earth to Ned (show)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Wed, 8 September 2021
This week Kyle and Matthew welcome comedian Joshua Snyder for a conversation about the many cinematic version of Batman. From movies to TV to Batman shows without Batman, we explore just why the Batman has been the comic book character who seems to adapt best across media. Plus we talk about versions of Batman we'd still like to see. To the Podmobile!
Weekly Rads: Kyle – Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (movie)
Matthew – Yolo Crystal Fantasy (show)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram) |
Wed, 1 September 2021
This is a very special week for This Is Rad! After 18 months over zoom or outside Kyle, Matt, and Laura return home. Well, technically Matt and Laura have been LITERALLY home this whole time but as far as This Is Rad! goes we record in Matt and Laura's living room for the first time since March 2020. We couldn't be happier that our first guest back is the one and only Jenny Chalikian. While a Battlestar episode is FOR SURE on the horizon, Jenny is solo this round talking about the wonderful world of Tank Girl. From comic to movie to cultural icon, we celebrate one of the cooler comic books around.
Weekly Rads: Kyle – Glow On by Turnstile (album)
Matt and Laura – Trading offices (@LMKnightart is back upstairs!)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Tank_Girl_New_Final_with_Laura_edits.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 25 August 2021
Kyle and Matthew do another rousing round of Listener Questions. They talk failed hobbies, the future of video games, and making deer taste like eagles...
For just $1 a month you can ask us your burning questions!
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Listener_Questions_17_august_2021_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 18 August 2021
This week Burnside is out (but SUPER alive) so Kyle has a one on one chat with his friend and longtime Muay Thai fighter, Mike Satumbaga about a life in martial arts. In the last year Kyle has started training and has a million questions to ask Mike. Mike spent several years as a competitive fighter while keeping it secret from his friends and family. He explains why he kept his identity as a fighter on the DL and some of the annoying side effects of someone learning you're a fighter. They talk post fight euphoria, nerds taking over sports, plus they get into their shared love of Filipino food. A fun convo that stays on the rails. There was so much to cover that there will definitely be a part two in the future.
Weekly Rads: Kyle – Acrylic Painting Mike – Back 4 Blood open beta (video game) and The Great British Throwdown (show)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram) |
Wed, 11 August 2021
This week Kyle, Matthew, and Laura hang with the always fun Robert Ahn for a chat about movies about making movies. These can range from the self indigent to completely brilliant and we try to highlight some of the ones where we think they work. We also chat about the state of DC Comic movies, book vs movie adaptations, and try a fun snack!
Weekly Rads: Kyle, Matthew, and Laura - The Suicide Squad (movie) Robert - Outshine Mango and Tajin frozen juice bar (food)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 (Early Access Edition) Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Movies_About_Movies_Robert_Ahn_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 4 August 2021
This week Burnside is on assignment so Kyle is solo chatting with comedian Pete Buchbauer. Pete and Kyle were on a show recently and figured out Pete is friends with Kyle's cousin's husband. Sure it's a bit of a Spaceballs level relation but still neat. They chat about 90's and 00's Pop Punk. Kyle's been vocal about hating this genre but still knows a lot about it. They largely explore the origins of pop punk, it's rise to prominence, and its evolution during the early 00's. Plus, they share their experiences playing in bands and the influence of regional scenes on Pop Punk's evolution. Then they start talking comedy and it goes off the rails for a while. But its some good comedy talk nonetheless. This is absolutely a topic we'll be returning to again in future episodes. For now, enjoy!
Weekly Rads: Kyle – Woodstock '99: 3 Day of Peace, Love, and Rage (documentary)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 Is OUT!!!! Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_90s00s_Pop_Punk_Pete_Buchauer_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 28 July 2021
Kyle and Matthew answer your Listener Questions for July 2021! For just $1 you can submit your own questions, insane or otherwise, to this is rad by going to
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 Is OUT!!!! Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr:
Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Listener_Questions__July_2021_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 21 July 2021
On our next installment of Summer of Rad 2021, we are joined by Rivers Langley and Joe Raines for a fun cookout. Each year our dear friend Rivers makes us a summer meal and we eat and hang out. This year he made Cubano sandwiches and turnip greens and Laura made cornbread. We discuss what went into making it all. WARNING: if you hate people eating on mic, either skip this ep OR fast forward an hour and you should be safe. Beyond food we also chat about the new Space Jam, some nerdy comedy talk, and the TV series Love Island. Plus, Kyle and Rivers do a LOT of quotes from Jurassic Park...
Weekly Rads: Kyle – The Forever Purge (movie) Burnside – Wellington Paranormal (show) and Space Jam: A New Legacy Laura – The Fear Street Movies (movies) and The Repair Shop (show) Rivers – McCartney 321 (series) Joe – Pig (movie)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 Is OUT!!!! Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Eating_Outside_Rivers_Langely_and_Joe_Raines_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 14 July 2021
On this week's episode a few of the survivors of the Clark Family 2021 4th of July Party, sit down to talk about what their first party after a year and a half was like. Join Matthew, Laura, Kyle, Kasey Clark, Dave Apkarian, Alexa Teal Green, and Grant Bubar as they chat about live bands, food, and reconnecting with friends. Plus, Kyle drinks strawberry margaritas the whole time and it absolutely does not affect him or his speech. There are a few popping sounds but we've done our best to compress the audio. (Please see previous sentence for explanation)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 Is OUT!!!! Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Wed, 7 July 2021
It finally happened and what better episode than our first Summer of Rad! Kyle and Matthew are back together live and in person. But, it doesn't just stop there! They are joined by Brandie Posey, Keith Carey, and Kasey Clark to pitch their Fantasy Summer Camps.... Then it turns out only Kyle, Kasey, and Brandie did them. There are some hilarious tangents (and more talk of F9, I swear, we've just about got it out of our system!). It was rad getting to sit down face to face with our friends and we hope you enjoy joining us for the hang out.
Weekly Rads: Talking with your friends
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 Is OUT!!!! Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Summer_of_Rad_2021_1_Fantasy_Summer_Camp_Brandie_Posey_Keith_Carey_Kasey_Clark_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 30 June 2021
Kyle and Matt answer listener questions for June 2021, topics include boutique guitar pedals, The Fast and The Furious Franchise, and descending into madness...
If you would like to ask us questions, it's just $1 a month on patreon and you can ask us whatever insane questions you want.
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 Is OUT!!!! Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Listener_Questions_14_june_2021_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 23 June 2021
This week on the show Kyle has a conversation with drag queen Juice Boxx. They chat about life as a working drag queen, what it was like to be on Drag Race Canada, and the influence of burlesque on her act. Plus, we have an intro where Kyle and Matthew chat about E3, pizza, and vitamins.
Interview with Juice Boxx starts: 1 Hour 15 Mins
Weekly Rads: Kyle - Round 1 (arcade chain) Matthew - Kevin Durant’s shoe size and the Eastern and Western conference finals
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 Is OUT!!!! Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt
Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Wed, 16 June 2021
This week, Kyle and Matthew welcome comedian Kelsey Lane for a chat about Wizard Rock. What the hell is Wizard Rock, you ask? Well it is bands that play songs about Harry Potter. Kelsey tells us about her years going to the Boston Potter Ball. Plus, she and Kyle are both Ravenclaw. That's fun, right? Beyond Wizard Rock, we also discuss farts a great deal. Also, playing in bands, boxed wine, and musical comedy.
Weekly Rads: Kyle – Streets of Fire (movie) Matthew – Documental Season 4 (series) Kelsey – Willem DeFoesters (coasters that look like actor Willem Defoe)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 Is OUT!!!! Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Wed, 9 June 2021
This week on the show we welcome back Ron Swallow, formerly of Nerd GOAT and now of The Greatest Pod. A lifetime before becoming a comedian Ron was once a professional rollerblader. Yes, for those keeping score, we have now had TWO former professional rollerbladers on this show. Ron shares what it's like to “go pro” and has some pretty epic injury stories. We also chat about long term comedy careers, avoiding jerks, and nerdy crap aplenty. Check out Ron's videos of some of his old rollerblading highlights and go support The Greatest pod with Ron Swallow and Ed Greer, two This Is Rad's favorite people.
Weekly Rads: Kyle – Tenet (movie) Matthew – AMC meme stocks (stocks) and the resulting in acquisition of Boss RV6, EH SuperEgo, and EH Deluxe Memory Man (guitar pedals) Ron – Lucifer (show) Raid: Shadow Legends (game)
Ron Rollerblading Video The Greatest Pod on Apple and on podbean: Terrible Ninja movie that Ron shot as a teen and re-edited 20 years later
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 Is OUT!!!! Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Rollerblading_2_Ron_Swallow_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 2 June 2021
Kyle and Matthew sit down for another round of listener questions. Now... I know what you're thinking: “Hey weren't Matthew and Kyle supposed to do this episode IN PERSON!? What kind of liars are you jerk faces?” And that is a reasonable question phrased very fairly. We have a reason. It's pretty funny. Go give the ep a listen. You might have a chuckle. The rest of the ep is fun as well, digital as it may have been...
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 Is OUT TODAY!!!! Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Listener_Questions_15_May_2021_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 26 May 2021
This week Kyle and Matthew welcome comedian Ashley Gutermuth for a conversation about the fine art of tiling. Ashely moves a lot and does a lot of maintenance and remodeling herself. She has a passion for the craft of tiling and discusses what makes something well tiled. Spacers! Lips! Really heavy things that easily shatter! All this and more awaits you, plus tangents about Dan Aykroyd, the rivalry between Cleveland and Pittsburg, and picking up litter! Weekly Rads: Kyle - hanging out with friends (activity) Matthew – WEEKLY RAD MEGA DROP: Maniac Cop 1&2 via The Last Drive In (movie), the fire chase stunt from Maniac cop 3 but not really the rest of the movie (movie scene), The Mitchells vs The Machines (movie), Thom Yorke and Johnny Greenwood’s new band The Smile (band) Ashely - River Monsters, particulalry when you watch it in a hotel room (tv show)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 Is OUT TODAY!!!! Get it HERE:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Wed, 19 May 2021
This week Kyle and Matthew are joined by writer and comedian Michael Vincent for a chat about queer fiction. Michael talks about his introduction to queer fiction through finding the places were queer fiction has historically snuck its way into that cannon. This would open him up to exploring more of the ever expanding and developing cannon of queer literature. They also go on some fun tangents about crypto currency and bi-girlfriend energy...
Weekly Rads: Kyle - Arrival, Vast of Night , The Mitchells vs The Machine (movies) Matthew - Fried Barry (movie) Michael - Aunt Charlie’s Lounge (SF Bar)
Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 is available for pre-order at Tales from an Analog Future will release 5/26/21!!!!!
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Queer_Fiction_Michael_Vincent_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 12 May 2021
This week on the show musician Grant Bubar drops in for a last minute episode. The boys talk video games music. Interestingly then tend to focus on the games from their youth so we get a lot of playstation era conversation. This is FAR from the last episode we will do on this topic so fret not that we didn't talk about the Chrono Trigger score. We'll get there one day. In the mean time, this ep has a lot of fun tangents including Grant chatting a bit about his band Sad Park and their recent signing to Lauren Records.
Announcement! As of today Tales from an Analog Future issue 1 is available for pre-order at Tales from an Analog Future will release 5/26/21!!!!!
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Video_Game_Music_Grant_Bubar_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 5 May 2021
This week Kyle and Matthew welcome one of Matt's longtime friend and hilarious comedian Grant Pardee to the show to chat about adventures in the Mushroom Kingdom. The Mario franchise could have like twenty episodes about it, so in this episode we are focusing on Grant's love of the 3D Mario games. For the uninitiated, there are several types of games featuring Nintendo's main man. Classic 2D, New 2D that is kinda 3D, humorous RPGs, and many more. We explore the evolution from Mario World for the SNES to the groundbreaking Super Mario 64. Plus, Grant has a hot take on Mario Sunshine. It's also a great episode if you're just looking for some straight up video game talk. A heartwarming reunion of friends and some super nerdy tangents!? Them Rad boys have done it again...
Weekly Rads: Kyle - Kuretake Portable Water Color Set Matt – Yakuza: Like a Dragon Grant - Reconnecting with old message board friends on discord, also Sonic Mania (check out Grant's Sonic podcast “The GHZ”, along with his other show, “Grashlyn Party”)
Link for a FantasticLand digital pass (gives access to all 10 episodes)
The FantasticLand page on Town Hall's website:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_3D_Mario_Games_Grant_Pardee_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 28 April 2021
Kyle and Matthew answer your listener questions fro April 2021. Plenty of recommendations for comics, books, and roadside attractions. Plus, scientific weed talk and a review of the new Mortal Kombat movie... Link for a FantasticLand digital pass (gives access to all 10 episodes)
The FantasticLand page on Town Hall's website:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Listener_Questions_14_april_2021_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 21 April 2021
This week Kyle and Matthew welcome comedian Quincy Johnson II for a conversation about old timey radio... but also a lot of other stuff. Quincy is a fantastic comedian and he was on the last live comedy show Kyle was on last year. Getting back together they get off on some wild tangents as they go along including Godzilla vs Kong, antiquated weed humor, and America's love affair with Stone Cold Steve Austin. Come for the chat about how early radio broadcasting developed most of the language we still use for modern American media. Stay for the good hang.
Weekly Rad: Kyle - Farscape (show) Matt - Season 3 of The Last Drive-In (show) Quincy - Harvey Birdman: Attourny at Law and Sealab 2021 (show)
Link for a FantasticLand digital pass (gives access to all 10 episodes)
The FantasticLand page on Town Hall's website:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Old_Timey_Radio_Quincy_Johnson_II_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 14 April 2021
This week Kyle and Matthew are joined by comedian Annie Lockwood for a chat about the the best named discount store in the world T.J. Maxx. Annie shares her almost zen-like enjoyment of going through the racks looking for gold. She has some amazing stories about some of her finds, and shares with us some of her tips and tricks for you to try on your own ventures to the land of discount. Plus, we chat about some weird Wii games and Kyle and Matt learn about cosmetic calculators. A fun and educational episode!
Kyle - Ben and Jerry’s Punch Line (ice cream) Burnside - Creepshow (series, on shudder) Annie - January Man + How Did This Get Made (bad movie + podcast)
Link for a FantasticLand digital pass (gives access to all 10 episodes)
The FantasticLand page on Town Hall's website:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Wed, 7 April 2021
This week we are without Mr. Matthew Burnside but Kyle is joined by comedian and filmmaker Nick Thomas and they talked for a little more that three and a half hours about the films of Paul Thomas Anderson. PTA is one of both Kyle and Nick's all time favorite film makers and they go movie by movie breaking down what it is about his work that they connect with and are inspired by. PTA is famous for making LONG movies and but TIR is known for LONGER podcasts. Your move PTA, your move...
Weekly Rads: Kyle - Numark PT01 Scratch (DJ Turntable) Nick - Three Women (movie)
Check out Nick's Stuff! Link Tree
Link for a FantasticLand digital pass (gives access to all 10 episodes)
The FantasticLand page on Town Hall's website :
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Paul_Thomas_Anderson_Nick_Thomas_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 31 March 2021
Kyle and Burnside return for another round of listener questions! If you'd like to ask a question head over to and subscribe for $1.
Link for a FantasticLand digital pass (gives access to all 10 episodes)
The FantasticLand page on Town Hall's website :
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Wed, 24 March 2021
This week on the show, Kyle and Matthew are joined by Denver comedian and artist Katie Bowman. The trio discuss the joy of seeing live music. From their earliest shows to artists who surprised them to band they never miss when they come to town they explore what makes a good live show. Tweet at us @thisisradpod on twitter or instagram and tell us your favorite live bands!
Weekly Rads: Kyle - Spy Kids (movie) Matthew - Control (video game) Katie - Behind Her Eye (show) (Netflix)
Check out Kyle's Pizza Night instagram live from 6pm to7pm (pst) on @thisisradpod on instagram
Link for a FantasticLand digital pass (gives access to all 10 episodes)
The FantasticLand page on Town Hall's website :
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Wed, 17 March 2021
This week we are joined by comedian Jenny Hamilton for a chat about the growing and cultivation of the sticky icky. Jenny and Matthew both grow their own marijuana and they share their agricultural trials and triumphs. This is one of those episodes of This Is Rad that is oddly informative. If you ever wondered what Farmer Burnside would sound like you've got it right here. Plus, Kyle gushes about how much he loves Jenny's album “Kegels Champion” which was released in 2019 by Radland Records.
Weekly Rads: Kyle - ‘namwolf (comic) Matthew - Colin Mockery, the person (delightful person) Jenny - ’68 (comic)
Link for a FantasticLand digital pass (gives access to all 10 episodes)
The FantasticLand page on Town Hall's website :
Kyle Stand Up Shows! Friday March 19th @ 7:30 (pst) 10 min set Ticket Link:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Cannabis_Cultivation_Jenny_Hamilton_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Thu, 11 March 2021
In this bonus episode, Kyle sat down with several of his cast mates in Fantasticland to talk about the unique experience of working on a production shot entirely by remote.
Guests: Sam Tillis as Sam Garliek Heather Kellogg-Bauman as Elena Springer Shauna Satnick as Clara Ann Clark Anders Finholt as Brock Hockney
Link for a FantasticLand digital pass (gives access to all 10 episodes)
The FantasticLand page on Town Hall's website : |
Wed, 10 March 2021
This week Kyle and Matthew welcome artist and computer scientist Frank Lima. Frank was one of Kyle's earliest friends in college and Kyle continuously marveled at the crazy stuff Frank was working on. He talked about his career journey from college into working in animation, animatronics, and space exploration. He also talks about his hobby of taking old computer hardware and making it do stuff it was never meant to do. If you are a maker, artist, or computer programmer this is an ep not to be missed!
Weekly Rads:
Kyle - Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home (movie) Matthew - La Llarona (movie) Frank - Mystery Science Theater 3000 (show)
Link for a FantasticLand digital pass (gives access to all 10 episodes) The FantasticLand page on Town Hall's website :
Kyle Stand Up Shows! Come See Kyle at Flapper's Virtual Yoohoo Room Friday March 12 @ 5pm (pst) (5 min set) Ticket Link:
Friday March 19th @ 7:30 (pst) Ticket Link:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_Computer_Science_Frank_Lima_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 3 March 2021
This week Kyle and Matthew welcome back animator and Meltdown family member Aldrin Cornejo to chat about the interconnected series of tabletop RPGs World of Darkness. We talk vampires and their masquerades. We talk werewolves and their apocalypses. We talk mages and how they are not connected to Matt Wagner's comic of the same name. Aldrin is also a huge gamer, so we get side tracked several times about what we've been playing lately. Plus, you can't have somebody from the old Meltdown family on without some fun stories from back in the day. A good hang for all involved so come hang with us!
Weekly Rads: Kyle – Persona 5 Strikers (video game)
Matthew – the trailer for Mortal Kombat (movie trailer)
Aldrin – The Great British Pottery Throwdown (show)
This episode is brought to you by Mack Weldon! Go to and use the promocode RAD to get 20% off your first order!
Come play Simpsons Trivia with Kyle and the rest of Stonecutters LA this Saturday March 6th at 3pm
Come See Kyle March 19th at 7:30pm at Flapper's Virtual Yoohoo Room
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr:
Bonus Social Media! Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter) Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram) Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)
Direct download: TIR_World_of_Darkness_Aldrin_Cornejo_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Sat, 27 February 2021
Kyle and Matthew sit down to answer this month's Listener Questions!
Fantasticland series info: Instagram: @thtfantasticland Ticket Link: [inset when link available]
Kyle's Shows this week: Sunday 2/28/21 Full Circle Comedy watch live on facebook! or watch on zoom meeting ID: 9104467350 Passcode: beerisgood
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out merch for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr:
Direct download: TIR_Listener_Questions_12_Feb_2021_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 24 February 2021
This week Kyle and Matthew welcome Mike Bockoven, Alysia Homminga, and Michelle Ianiro to the show to discuss their online theatrical mini series adaptation of Mike's book “Fantasticland” Michelle adapted the play and brought everybody together and Alysia is directing and editing the project. They discuss the origins of this project, the process of collaborating remotely, and creative problem solving in the age of Covid. Kyle has a role in the series and asks the trio what their experience was like working on the show. Plus, Matt finally gets to ask what the hell this show is. See below for info about how to see the show. (Also, Kyle has some stand up shows this week and there are links below to tickets for those as well!)
Weekly Rads: Kyle – The Before Trilogy (movies) Matthew – Barb and Star go to Vista del Mar (movie) Mike – Let's Go Play at the Adams (book) Aly – Okay Human by Weezer (album) Michelle – The Hunt (movie)
Fantasticland series info: Instagram: @thtfantasticland Ticket Link: [inset when link available]
Kyle's Shows this week:
Weds 2/24/21 Flappers Wednesday Virtual Yoo Hoo Room Show (worth clicking the link just to see the terrible headshot flappers uses from when somebody hacked their system years ago...)
Sunday 2/28/21 Full Circle Comedy watch live on facebook! or watch on zoom meeting ID: 9104467350 Passcode: beerisgood
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out merch for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr:
Direct download: TIR_Fantasticland_Aly_Michelle_Mike_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 17 February 2021
This week Kyle is riding solo in the host seat. Luckily he is joined by the always wonderful Emily Walsh as they have a postmortem for the new CBS All Access version of Stephen Kings epic novel. They compare and contrast the original book, the 90's mini series, and this new series. They explore variations in adaptations and the challenges of taking such a massive story and turning it into a mini series. They also explore the larger swatch of recent Stephen King adaptations and explore what seems to work and what doesn't when it comes to bringing his books into another medium. If you love Stephen King or getting I not the nitty gritty of writing, filmmaking, and adaptation, then strap in cause you are in for a ride. Tweet at us and let us know what you thought of the CBS series!
Weekly Rads: Kyle – Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron by Daniel Clowes (comic) Emily – One by One by Ruth Ware (book) and The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman (book)
This episode is brought to you by Mack Weldon! Go to and use the promocode RAD to get 20% off your first order!
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr:
Wed, 10 February 2021
This week, we welcome back the always wonderful Joe Kaye to chat about Walt Disney's Experimental Prototype City of Tomorrow, or EPCOT. Matthew Burnside is on assignment so we are also joined by the also always wonderful Laura Knight. So you got three Disney park nerds talking about possibly the nerdist of all Disney parks. Instead of a history of EPCOT, we opt to explore what makes EPCOT unique and special. From making learning fun to being a gateway for expanding your pallet, to the raging debate about integrating IP into the park, we celebrate a park where idiosyncrasies and outside the box thinking have create a one of a kind experience.
Weekly Rads: Kyle - La Casa Lobo (movie) Supernatural (show) American Dreamz (movies) Laura - Wanda Vision (show) American Gods (show) resident alien (show) Joe - the white tiger (movie)
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr:
Wed, 3 February 2021
This week Kyle and Matt welcome back comedian and Warhammer folklorist Dave Apkarian for a chat about the randomly generated and perma-death filled world of rogue-like games. Kyle learns what rogue-lite means. The bring up some of their favorites and what makes them good. They also chat about the current state of the video game industry and entertainment as a whole, podcasting, being a part of the first generation of mainstream lifelong gamers, and the effect of covid on the future of stand up comedy.
Weekly Rads: Kyle - Chopped (show) and Double Dare (show) Matthew - Man-Eater (video game) Dave - Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning (video game) and Cartoonist Kayfabe (YouTube) and Immortals Fenyx Rising (video game)
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr:
Direct download: TIR_Rogue-Like_Games_Dave_Apkarian_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Sat, 30 January 2021
Kyle and Matthew dip in to the TIR Mailbag for another round of listener questions.
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr:
Direct download: TIR_Listener_Questions__Jan2021_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 27 January 2021
This week Kyle and Matthew welcome back Rosalie Atkinson to the show. While Rosalie is a near endless font of musical knowledge, she changed it up on us for this episode and decided to talk about the bro-sploitation television empire that is Ghost Adventures. We explore both what is compelling and what is hilarious about the show. Plus, we go deep on the Las Vegas attraction Zac Baggins Haunted Museum. We also learn Rosalie is even more afraid of ghosts than Kyle and she shares with us her own experience with a ghost.
Also: Near the end of the episode it is reveals that Kyle will be in a web series adaptation of Fantastic Land! He'll be playing the leader of the circus freak camp, Glennn Guignol. More information soon on when and were you can see it but he's super excited to be a part of the show!
Weekly Rads: Kyle - Homemade Reeses Bars (food) Matthew - Whose Line is it Anyway? (Show) Rosalie - The collective awakening that the New Radicals are a great band! (Long overdue cultural realization)
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr:
Direct download: TIR_Ghost_Adventure_Rosalie_Atkinson_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 20 January 2021
This week Kyle and Matthew welcome nerdmelt family member Lynnette Joy Housky for a chat about Disney's 90's afternoon cartoon line up Disney Afternoon. What they find is that Disney Afternoon is more of a state of mind that a cannon list of shows. But we do talk about Darkwing Duck and Tailspin and Ducktales for a while. So grab an after school snack and hang out.
Weekly Rads: Kyle - Batman Beyond (show) Matthew - VFW (movie) Lynette - Office Ladies (podcast)
Go to and use the promo code RAD to get 20% off your first order! Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr:
Direct download: TIR_Disney_Afternoon_with_edits_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Sun, 17 January 2021
Kyle and Matthew answer your December 2020 listener questions!
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr:
Direct download: TIR_Listener_Questions_10_Dec_2020_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:55pm PST |
Wed, 13 January 2021
This week the one and only Laura Knight returns to guest co-host because Matthew lost his voice screaming at the Cleveland Browns. But Matthew could not have had better timing because this week Rad welcomes longtime friend to the show Richard Eden for his first ever solo appearances. What subject could these two titians of Rad combine their knowledge for? This episode is one of the rare treats were we have two talented experts chat about their jobs as graphic designers. In the past year as Kyle's been studying visual art, he's learned graphic design is a thing. So take a seat next to Kyle as he uses this opportunity to learn about graphic design from two talented designers. But don't worry, just because this episode has some educational value, don't think we don't go off the rails a few times to side tangent about Supernatural, Canada, and any number of other topics. As Kyle says at the beginning of the ep, this one is a real humdinger. Richard has been kind enough to produce a reference list for this episode REFERENCES Graphic design software: Adobe Canva CorelDraw Free Tools: Colorspace Flaticon Freepik Losttype Iconsplace Paid Resource: Envato Elements Pose Inspiration: #motelkey #signhunter #matchboxdesign #bookdesign Favorite Graphic Designers: Murmur Leta Sobierajski Art GD Stefan Sagmeister Steve Harrington Typography Lauren Hom Illustration Dana Tanamachi Favourite Graphic Design Books: Know Your Onions (basic reference book) Taschen History of Graphic Design VOL 1-2
Weekly Rads:
Kyle – THIS IS RAD HAS A PO BOX!!!! This is not a drill, you can now send stuff to us after an almost three year hiatus. If you'd like to send us something send it to: This Is Rad! (or Kyle Clark) 2470 Sterns St. #198 Simi Valley, CA 93063
Laura – Two great webcomics: Barbarous by Yuko Ota & Ananth Hirsh (webcomic) and Brainchild by Suzanne Geary (webcomic) also Bridgerton (netflix show) plus Folklore by Taylor swift (album)
Richard – Zoom q2n (video camera)
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr:
Direct download: TIR_Graphic_Design_Richard_Eden_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 6 January 2021
This week Kyle and Matthew are joined by music teacher, concert percussionist, and drummer for the incredibly rad band Sad Park, Grant Bubar for a chat about classical music. Grant shares with us how his study of music and working as an orchestral musician has given him an appreciation of classical music and he hopes to share some of what he loves about it with us in the hope that he can make getting into classical music less daunting. We get into the what defines classical music and why the best known composers are best known. Plus Grant gives us a few lesser known or recently rediscovered composers that are starting to be added to the cannon. But, like any good music episode, there is also plenty of talk about modern music, playing music, and the science behind music. We had so much fun with this ep that we will definitely circle back to this later on for a deeper dive into how to listen and what to listen for. If you've never dabble in classical music, this might give you some ways to explore it without feeling totally lost.
Bonus! Grant made a spotify playlist so you can explore some of HIS favorite and essential classical pieces:
As Matt shares on the episode, he recently had a tragic loss of a close family friend and her daughter. The family has set up a gofund me to help her surviving husband and child.
This episode is sponsored by Mack Weldon! Go to and use the promo code RAD at check out to get 20% off your first order!
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch! Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr:
Direct download: TIR_classical_music_history_grand_bubar_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |