This Is Rad!

The always delightful Joe Kaye (@joecharleskaye) returns to the show to talk about the long running immersive theater experience Sleep No More. Sleep No More is a 3 hour, wordless version of Macbeth told via dance and it all takes place inside of a four story building where each floor is filled with fully explorable rooms where the scenes unfold around you in real time. It is crazy. The long running New York City show is closing in 2024 and Joe Kaye has done the experience several times in an attempt to remember this unique theatrical experience. Strap in. Get inspired. Have your mind blown.


Weekly Rads:

Kyle - Traveling Wiburys (band), The Best Show with Tom Scharpling (podcast)

Joe - Freeway (1996) (movie)

Burnside - New Overwatch patch (patch, for Overwatch)


Check out Burnside playing video games at


Get Kyle Clark's I'm a Person: Director's Cut 

You can go to and pay what you want for the full uncut set from “I'm a Person” which includes 20 mins of unheard material, plus an additional 15 minutes of never released bonus live recordings!


Send Us Stuff! We have a PO Box!

This Is Rad! / Kyle Clark

PO Box #198

2470 Stearns St

Simi Valley, CA 93063


Tales from an Analog Future Get it HERE:


Get Kyle's album "Absolute Terror" here: 


Go  to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!


Check out our merch!

Also ! Check out merch for Kyle's record label Radland Records     Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!! 


Follow us on social media or whatever!





@8armedspidey (Frank Gillen TIR's social media!) 

@thearcknight (techno lord Adam Cross) 








Direct download: TIR_Sleep_No_More_Joe_Kaye_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST

This week the boys are joined by comedian Britt Boyd for a conversation that takes us around the world to the island nation of New Zealand. Post Covid (and a divorce) Britt has been traveling the world and recounts her journey to the land of wonder and Peter Jackson set location tours. Plus, we explore how many “lab partners” the average high school student should have...


Weekly Rads:

Kyle – Struggler by Genisis Owusu (album) and Bob Marley: One Love (movie)

Matthew – Sapporo Premium Beer Can (quality object)

Britt – A really nice new backpack (quality object)


Check out Burnside playing video games at


Get Kyle Clark's I'm a Person: Director's Cut 

You can go to and pay what you want for the full uncut set from “I'm a Person” which includes 20 mins of unheard material, plus an additional 15 minutes of never released bonus live recordings!


Send Us Stuff! We have a PO Box!

This Is Rad! / Kyle Clark

PO Box #198

2470 Stearns St

Simi Valley, CA 93063


Tales from an Analog Future Get it HERE:


Get Kyle's album "Absolute Terror" here: 


Go  to w and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!


Check out our merch!



Als o ! Check out merch for Kyle's record label Radland Records     Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!! 


Follow us on social media or whatever!





@8armedspidey (Frank Gillen TIR's social media!) 

@thearcknight (techno lord Adam Cross) 








Direct download: TIR_New_Zealand_Britt_Boyd_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST

The boys are joined by the one and only Jordan Morris for a chat about fighting games. All three share their memories of the 90s fighting game heyday and why they have or haven't stuck with fighting games. They weigh in on the evolution of the Street Fighter series in the wake of the recently released Street Fighter VI. Kyle discusses dabbling in the mysterious world of SNK games. Matt compares fighting games to Overwatch.


Pre-Order Jordan's new comic “Youth Group”


Weekly Rads:

Kyle - Persona 3 Reload (game)

Matt - The Bear season 2 (show)

Jordan - High Jack (show)


Check out Burnside playing video games at


Get Kyle Clark's I'm a Person: Director's Cut 

You can go to and pay what you want for the full uncut set from “I'm a Person” which includes 20 mins of unheard material, plus an additional 15 minutes of never released bonus live recordings!


Send Us Stuff! We have a PO Box!

This Is Rad! / Kyle Clark

PO Box #198

2470 Stearns St

Simi Valley, CA 93063


Tales from an Analog Future Get it HERE:


Get Kyle's album "Absolute Terror" here: 


Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!


Check out our merch!  

Also!   Check out merch for Kyle's record label Radland Records

Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!! 


Follow us on social media or whatever!





@8armedspidey (Frank Gillen TIR's social media!) 

@thearcknight (techno lord Adam Cross) 








Direct download: TIR_Fighting_Games_Jordan_Morris_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST

This week Kyle and Matthew return to the world of pop punk joined by Scene Kids, Cozi Orlen (@scene_kids_improv), Ryan Pigg (@ryanpig), Briana Jones (@brindianajones), and Cat Crawford (@catcrawford),  for more talk about pop punk and emo. Our chat with Pete Buchbauer a few years back talk a lot about local music scenes. This week, we head straight to the warp tour. Plus, all the riffs you could want out of six people sitting in somebody's living room.


Weekly Rads:

Kyle – Swamp Thing (2019) (show)

Matthew – Palworld (game)

Cozi – Medium Gnarly by Swiss Army Wife (album)

Ryan – True Detective: Night Country (show) and One Piece (show)

Briana Jones - The Sopranos (show)

Cat – Habanero peppers (food)


Check out Burnside playing video games at


Get Kyle Clark's I'm a Person: Director's Cut 

You can go to and pay what you want for the full uncut set from “I'm a Person” which includes 20 mins of unheard material, plus an additional 15 minutes of never released bonus live recordings!


Send Us Stuff! We have a PO Box!

This Is Rad! / Kyle Clark

PO Box #198

2470 Stearns St

Simi Valley, CA 93063


Tales from an Analog Future Get it HERE:


Get Kyle's album "Absolute Terror" here: 


Go t o  w and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!


Check out our merch!



Also! Ch  eck out merch for Kyle's record label Radland Records A lso! Lau  ra star ted an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!! 


Follow us on social media or whatever!





@8armedspidey (Frank Gillen TIR's social media!) 

@thearcknight (techno lord Adam Cross) 







Direct download: TIR_Pop_Punk_2_Scene_Kids_final-auphonic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST