This Is Rad!

Strap in folks. We are joined by comedian Wendy Jean Wilkins and our own Adam Crosse for another extensive chat about the world of Marching Band. Kyle faces three very enthusiastic former band kids. They share three very different versions of band camp. We get a long list of injuries Wendy has endured during her years in the color guard. Plus, Wendy breaks down the erotic life of the band geek. So start wetting your reed and clear your spit valve cause we've got some beautiful music to make.


Weekly Rads:

Kyle – Andy Iwancio's upcoming album for KillRockStars (Go listen to the “Hard Trans” ep now on Radland Records!)

Matthew – Carrots (vegetable)

Adam - Final Fantasy 16 (video game)

Wendy – Butter (substance)


Check out Burnside playing video games at


Get Kyle Clark's I'm a Person: Director's Cut 

You can go to and pay what you want for the full uncut set from “I'm a Person” which includes 20 mins of unheard material, plus an additional 15 minutes of never released bonus live recordings!


Send Us Stuff! We have a PO Box!

This Is Rad! / Kyle Clark

PO Box #198

2470 Stearns St

Simi Valley, CA 93063


Tales from an Analog Future Get it HERE:


Get Kyle's album "Absolute Terror" here: 


Go to ww  w and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!


Check out our merch!



Also!   Check out merch for Kyle's record label Radland Records     Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!! 


Follow us on social media or whatever!





@8armedspidey (Frank Gillen TIR's social media!) 

@thearcknight (techno lord Adam Cross) 







Direct download: TIR_Marching_Band_2_Wendy_Jean_Wilkins_and_Adam_Cross_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST

Magnifique! This week the boys are joined by comedian Lindsay Adams for a chat about baking with a special focus on one of the all time great pastries, le croissant. What makes this buttery, flakey thing such a perfect pastry? Are the best croissants made in Paris? Does Paris give some people a psychological breakdown? Wait, what is a cookie gun? A simple warning to ye, prepare to crave carbs...


Weekly Rads:

Kyle – Astroid City (movie) and Ultraman (1966) (show)

Burnside – Love Island UK (show)

Lindsay – Married at First Sight Australia (show), XO Kitty (show)


Check out Burnside playing video games at


Get Kyle Clark's I'm a Person: Director's Cut 

You can go to and pay what you want for the full uncut set from “I'm a Person” which includes 20 mins of unheard material, plus an additional 15 minutes of never released bonus live recordings!


Send Us Stuff! We have a PO Box!

This Is Rad! / Kyle Clark

PO Box #198

2470 Stearns St

Simi Valley, CA 93063


Tales from an Analog Future Get it HERE:


Get Kyle's album "Absolute Terror" here: 


Go t o w w and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!


Check out our merch!



Also !  Check out merch for Kyle's record label Radland Records     Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!! 


Follow us on social media or whatever!





@8armedspidey (Frank Gillen TIR's social media!) 

@thearcknight (techno lord Adam Cross) 









Direct download: TIR_Croissants_Lindsay_Adams_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST

Our dear friend from The Greatest podcast, Ron Swallow returns for another lesson in genre fiction. This time Ron shares with us the literary genre Bit Lit. For the uninformed, “Bit Lit” are urban fantasy series that involve a combination of werewolves, vampires, adventures, and sexiness. The volume of each might vary from series to series but with a combination like that, it's gotta be tough to have too bad of a time. Plus, Ron has a new album out from Radland Records called “On the Wing of a Dragon” and it is out this Friday June 17th, 2023!


Weekly Rads:

Kyle – Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (video game), Shaving? (activity/choice)

Burnside – Super Mario Bros Movie (movie)

Ron – Corpse (band), Across the Spider-Verse (movie)


Check out Burnside playing video games at


Get Kyle Clark's I'm a Person: Director's Cut 

You can go to and pay what you want for the full uncut set from “I'm a Person” which includes 20 mins of unheard material, plus an additional 15 minutes of never released bonus live recordings!


Send Us Stuff! We have a PO Box!

This Is Rad! / Kyle Clark

PO Box #198

2470 Stearns St

Simi Valley, CA 93063


Tales from an Analog Future Get it HERE:


Get Kyle's album "Absolute Terror" here: 


Go   t o and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!


Check out our merch!



Also!   Check out merch for Kyle's record label Radland Records     Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!! 


Follow us on social media or whatever!





@8armedspidey (Frank Gillen TIR's social media!) 

@thearcknight (techno lord Adam Cross) 







Direct download: TIR_Bit_Lit_Ron_Swallow_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST

Our first guest ever returns to the show. After entirely too long, Kyle and Matthew welcome Dan Telfer (@dantelfer) to the show. It's been almost 10 years since we recorded that episode and that is entirely too long. We celebrate his return by talking about The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Dan and Mattthew have put some solid time into the game. Kyle is broke but enthusiastic to listen to the boys describe this incredibly well crafted video game. They also chat design in Zelda and coin the term “dumpsterface”...


Check out Dan's RPG Company Grim and Whimsy @grimandwhimsy



Weekly Rads:

Kyle – Alamo Draft House (Dan, Taylor's movie)

Matthew – Banana Kick (snack)

Dan – Spider-Verse 2


Check out Burnside playing video games at


Get Kyle Clark's I'm a Person: Director's Cut 

You. an go to and pay what you want for the full uncut set from “I'm a Person” which includes 20 mins of unheard material, plus an additional 15 minutes of never released bonus live recordings!


Send Us Stuff! We have a PO Box!

This Is Rad! / Kyle Clark

PO Box #198

2470 Stearns St

Simi Valley, CA 93063


Tales from an Analog Future Get it HERE:


Get Kyle's album "Absolute Terror" here: 


Go to  w and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!


Check out our merch!



Also!   Check out merch for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!! 


Follow us on social media or whatever!





@8armedspidey (Frank Gillen TIR's social media!) 

@thearcknight (techno lord Adam Cross) 






@LMKnightArt   c

Direct download: TIR_Zelda_Tears_of_the_Kingdom_Dan_Telfer_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST