This Is Rad!

Radtober returns! This week Kyle and Matthew are joined by the amazing author/producer/podcaster Emily V. Gordon (Indoor Kids, The Meltdown Show) to talk about all things Goth. Emily recounts her Gothy beginnings and teenage years in North Carolina, the struggle of being different, and being "ugly" on your own terms. Check out Emily's new book "Super You: Release Your Inner Superhero"!

Weekly Rads: This Is Rad! YouTube Channel, water on Mars, the intensity of Halloween decorations this year

Raddendums: Dana Gould's Halloween albums, Bonzo Dog Band, Screamin' Jay Hawkins, Skinny Puppy, The Cure, Marilyn Manson & the Spooky Kids, Nine Inch Nails, Nick Cave, Bela Lugosi's Dead, Bauhaus, The Guest soundtrack, the ABCs of Death, Tales of Halloween, Krampus, Poppy Z. Bright's Love in Vein and Lost Souls, Hot Topic, The Doom Generation, #HealthGoth, Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson, Grant Morrison, @MonkeeArmada

Direct download: 69_Goth_Stuff_-_This_Is_Rad.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:12am PST

It's the Weird Al-pisode! In this hostful ep, Kyle, Matthew and Producer Natalie dare to be stupid and discuss the master of parody songs and the accordion arts: "Weird Al" Yankovic. They traverse his career from the good and the bad to the young, dumb and ugly, and talk about his cross-generational appeal along the way.

Weekly Rads: Working out with Justin Williams, Off Season by Jack Ketchum, Eye on Springfield: A Simpsons Art Show at Meltdown Comics

Raddendums: Al TV - interviewing Celine Dion, UHF, The Weird Al Show, Al's Disney Channel documentary, Al's Behind the Music, Dr. Demento, Bonzo Dog Band, Paul, Bad Hair Day, Running with Scissors, The Butthole Surfers, The Steve Austin Show - Unleashed

Direct download: 68_22Weird_Al22_Yankovic_-_This_Is_Rad.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:24am PST

Pump it up! This week, Kyle, Matthew and Producer Natalie sit down with comedian Justin Williams to discuss his fascination with Bodybuilding - just in time for Mr. Olympia! They debunk some myths regarding steroids, talk about body image and body dysmorphia, and learn about Justin's current quest to get pumped. We wish for everyone to feel good about themselves no matter how they look!


Weekly Rads: They Came Together, Hurricane of Fun: The Making of Wet Hot, "Dark Days" by Randy Blythe (again), life lessons, Apple announcements & electronics, Some Space Zine, The War of Art by Steven Pressfield


Raddendums: Joe Weider's Olympia Weekend, Rob Liefeld, Kai Greene, Pumping Iron, Generation Iron, Bigger, Faster, Stronger, The Art of Manliness, the "Zombies, Run!" App, Rich Piana and hamster arms, American Ninja Warrior, Rob and Dana Linn Bailey, CT Fletcher, The Rock

Direct download: 67_Bodybuilding_-_This_Is_Rad.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:39am PST

Submitted for the approval of the Radnight Society, we call this story: The Tale of "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" Kyle and Matthew were two simple podcast hosts going about their busy Canadian lives when one day they were joined by the eccentric Canadian drifter/mad scientist Adam Murray (accent on the "Mur"), the bad-Canadian-kid-about-to-learn-a-lesson-through-a-visceral-paranormal-shakedown Tom Seiniger, Laura "secretly an alien" Knight and pool monster Producer Natalie to discuss this mainstay SNICK horror staple that scared the pants off everyone as kids. Anyways, they all almost died but broke the curse on the haunted dollhouse/pirate jewel/voodoo paintbrush just in time, and eventually everything went back to normal. Or did it? Mua ha ha ha ha!


Check out Adam's new Indiegogo campaign for "Jo and the Pirates"!


Weekly Rads: The Mad Max video game, Dragon Age Inquisition, This Is Rad! Video, "Dark Days" by Randy Blythe, "God Loves Man Kills," Emmylou Harris


Raddendums: John Carpenter's "Cigarette Burns" from Masters of Horror, Goosebumps, Tales from the Darkside, Tales from the Crypt, Twilight Zone, Stephen King's "Word Processor of the Gods," Powerman 5000, Korn's "All in the Family" and "Follow the Leader," Creepshow, "Psycho Chicken" by The Fools, The Guest, comedian Simon King, Jeff Lemire's "Essex County" trilogy, and "Amblin-esque"

Direct download: 66_Are_You_Afraid_of_the_Dark_-_This_Is_Rad.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:29am PST

Rad smash! This week Kyle and Matthew are joined by comedian Jeremy Scippio to talk about the ups and downs of the Marvel Cinematic Universe - along with comics, video games and other Marvelous paraphernalia. They fly through the X-Men, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America, The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, the Fantastic Four and more. What sucks? What doesn't? Listen in to find out! Check out Jeremy's work at


Weekly Rads: Tom Sibley on Bumble

Raddendums: Boogerman, Vectorman, Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men, Snowpiercer, Fantastic Four's Johnny Storm rapping, Masters of the Universe, Captain America (1990), Punisher: War Zone

Direct download: 65_Marvel_Movies_-_This_Is_Rad.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:29am PST