This Is Rad!

Burnside's time has come. Brandon Niznik returns to the show with his wife Criselda Valderrama to chat about their new joke book “Dad Jokes for Disastrous Situations”. We discuss the art of the dad joke and what went into compiling this compendium. Oh, hey, before you go listen, what's that on your shirt?

Get Dad Jokes for Disasterous Situations 


Weekly Rads:


Kyle – And Now for the Whatchamacallit by Psycadellic Porn Crumpets (album)


Burnside – Wavy cut toilet paper (toiletry)


Laura – The Rise and Fall of a Widwest Princess by Chappell Roan (album)


Brandon – The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guin (book)


Criselda – Kung Fu Panda 1-3



Check out Burnside playing video games at


Get Kyle Clark's I'm a Person: Director's Cut 

You can go to and pay what you want for the full uncut set from “I'm a Person” which includes 20 mins of unheard material, plus an additional 15 minutes of never released bonus live recordings!


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This Is Rad! / Kyle Clark

PO Box #198

2470 Stearns St

Simi Valley, CA 93063


Tales from an Analog Future Get it HERE:


Get Kyle's album "Absolute Terror" here: 


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Check out our merch!



Als o ! Check out merch for Kyle's record label Radland Records     Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!! 


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@8armedspidey (Frank Gillen TIR's social media!) 

@thearcknight (techno lord Adam Cross) 








Direct download: TIR_Childrens_Books_Brandon_Niznik_and_Criselda_Valderrama_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST