This Is Rad!

Take me down to the Raccoon City where the zombies are green and the tank controls are shitty! Our all-gaming month Varch (Garch? Smarch?) kicks off with one of our most-requested episodes: Resident Evil! To help discuss the long-running franchise, Kyle and Matthew are joined by Jacob Davison and Ken Carr, Kyle's teammates from Dead Right Horror Trivia and lifelong fans of the series. They begin by breaking down the world of survival horror games before RE, including some talk about the NES gem Sweet Home, which heavily influenced the first game. They talk tank controls. They talk fixed camera angles. They ponder what product or service the evil Umbrella Corporation actually sold that made them so much money. They work their way through the series, talking about which games made the most impact on them. They chat about their favorite monsters in the series. Plus, they break down the shift in gameplay style between the classic RE games and Resident Evil 4. RE4 might be a masterpiece, but it also led to some dark times for the franchise. However, there is hope as the gang gushes over how great Resident Evil 7 is. Put down that Jill Sandwich and go listen! This episode is sponsored by Mack Weldon. Enter the promo code RAD at for 20% off your next order.

Weekly Rads: Logan, I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore, Birdcloud

Raddendums: Shinji Mikami, Sweet Home

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