Wed, 29 May 2024
This week Kyle and Matthew are joined by OC comedian and longtime friend of Kyle's Evan Cassidy. Evan has run many many shows over the years and, like Kyle, has put out the time and money to invest in releasing albums. If you're looking for a copy of Keith Carey's “Forever Nap” hit up Evan. He's got you covered. They chat about learning the process of self releasing albums. They share tips along with things they'd have done differently. A very fun episode celebrating DIY.
Is it Rad? Are melon ballers rad?
Weekly Rads: Kyle – Getting back into the saddle (metaphorically) (concept) Matthew – County Fairs (event) Evan – The Home Depot line of credit (credit line), Cratin' (activity), dude wipes
Check out Burnside playing video games at
Get Kyle Clark's I'm a Person: Director's Cut You can go to and pay what you want for the full uncut set from “I'm a ”Person which includes 20 mins of unheard material, plus an additional 15 minutes of never released bonus live recordings!
Send Us Stuff! We have a PO Box! This Is Rad! / Kyle Clark PO Box #198 2470 Stearns St Simi Valley, CA 93063
Tales from an Analog Future Get it HERE:
Get Kyle's album “Absolute Terror” here:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch!
Also! Check out merch for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Instagram: @thisisradpodcast @kyleclarkisrad @lmknightart @8armedspidey (Frank Gillen TIR's social media!) @thearcknight (techno lord Adam Cross)
Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt
Direct download: TIR_Putting_Out_Records_Evan_Cassidey_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 22 May 2024
In a surprising turn of events, a guest bailed. But this time Kyle and Burnside are prepared. Enough time has elapsed since they last spoke that they've got plenty to talk about including, seeing Idles live, what makes a good rice krispy treat, and a debate about amateur tornado chasing. Fun stuff!
Is it rad?: Is Puppy Chow rad? (aka muddy buddies)
Weekly Rads: Kyle – Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton (book) Matthew – People in the food services industry who respect your customers. (business practice) C2S hand coffee grinder (kitchen utensil) Check out Burnside playing video games at
Get Kyle Clark's I'm a Person: Director's Cut You can go to and pay what you want for the full uncut set from “I'm a Person” which includes 20 mins of unheard material, plus an additional 15 minutes of never released bonus live recordings!
Send Us Stuff! We have a PO Box! This Is Rad! / Kyle Clark PO Box #198 2470 Stearns St Simi Valley, CA 93063
Tales from an Analog Future Get it HERE:
Get Kyle's album "Absolute Terror" here:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch!
Also! Chec k out merch for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Instagram: @thisisradpodcast @kyleclarkisrad @lmknightart @8armedspidey (Frank Gillen TIR's social media!) @thearcknight (techno lord Adam Cross)
Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt
Direct download: TIR_Scissors_Paper_Rock_No_Guest_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 15 May 2024
We give you a bit of the old and a bit of the new this week! We do an old fashion intro with just the boyz. Then, Burnside is off to see Idles and we get some classic new school TIR where the guest had to bail out hours before the episode and we got a new guest. The old guest recommended the new guest and we're totally not mad at the first guest. Plus, Kyle's chat with the second guest has some good stuff. The real Indie Labels episode will be fun. In the mean time, enjoy this.
Special Thanks to Jon Shefsky
Weekly Rads: Kyle – The Work of Steve Albini (RIP) Matthew – Fallout (show)
Check out Burnside playing video games at
Get Kyle Clark's I'm a Person: Director's Cut You can go. o and pay what you want for the full uncut set from “I'm a Person” which includes 20 mins of unheard material, plus an additional 15 minutes of never released bonus live recordings!
Send Us Stuff! We have a PO Box! This Is Rad! / Kyle Clark PO Box #198 2470 Stearns St Simi Valley, CA 93063
Tales from an Analog Future Get it HERE:
Get Kyle's album "Absolute Terror" here:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch!
A lso! Check out merch for Kyle's record label Radland Records Al s o! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Instagram: @thisisradpodcast @kyleclarkisrad @lmknightart @8armedspidey (Frank Gillen TIR's social media!) @thearcknight (techno lord Adam Cross)
Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArtt
Direct download: TIR_not_Indie_Labels_John_Shefsky_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |
Wed, 8 May 2024
The Martin Duprass (@themartinduprass) return to the show to chat about the year that birthed the dawn of the Willennium, 1999. They talk about the wildness of the Y2K era. Plus, lotta good movies came out that year.
More importatnly: The Martin Dupras have done a remake of Kevin Smith's 1999 film Dogma based on their memories of the movie having not seeing it for a while. It's a wild ride.
Watch DawgMuh: As We Remember It
Is It Rad: Is charcuterie for dinner rad?
Weekly Rads: Kyle - Where's My Utopia by Yard Act (album) Matthew – Carnival Cruise and that moment a bunch of things happen at the same time and then you realize you are at the exact correction latitude and longitude that you should be on the earth, or whatever... (vibe) The Martins Duprass – The soundtrack to the film DawgMuh (Jeremy) Thrift Stores (Lauren)
Check out Burnside playing video games at
Get Kyle Clark's I'm a Person: Director's Cut You can go to and pay what you want for the full uncut set from “I'm a Person” which includes 20 mins of unheard material, plus an additional 15 minutes of never released bonus live recordings!
Send Us Stuff! We have a PO Box! This Is Rad! / Kyle Clark PO Box #198 2470 Stearns St Simi Valley, CA 93063
Tales from an Analog Future Get it HERE:
Get Kyle's album "Absolute Terror" here:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch!
A ls o! Check out merch for Kyle's record label Radland Records Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Instagram: @thisisradpodcast @kyleclarkisrad @lmknightart @8armedspidey (Frank Gillen TIR's social media!) @thearcknight (techno lord Adam Cross)
Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt
Wed, 1 May 2024
Kyle is joined by 2/3rds of the crew from the new horror podcast Pillow Fright, Elissa Wagner and Ama Lea for a chat about sleepovers and horror movies. Elissa and Ama are both lifelong horror fans who have tried several times to get a podcast going before this current iteration. Plus, extensive conversations about which horror characters can get it...
Also, stick around after the ep for a little something extra. ;)
Weekly Rads:
Kyle – X-Men 97, again (show) Ama – Fallout (show) Elissa – Trashy reality shows (TV genre)
Check out Burnside playing video games at
Get Kyle Clark's I'm a Person: Director's Cut You can go to and pay what you want for the full uncut set from “I'm a Person” which includes 20 mins of unheard material, plus an additional 15 minutes of never released bonus live recordings!
Send Us Stuff! We have a PO Box! This Is Rad! / Kyle Clark PO Box #198 2470 Stearns St Simi Valley, CA 93063
Tales from an Analog Future Get it HERE:
Get Kyle's album "Absolute Terror" here:
Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!
Check out our merch!
Also! Check out merch for Kyle's record label Radland Records
Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!
Follow us on social media or whatever! Instagram: @thisisradpodcast @kyleclarkisrad @lmknightart @8armedspidey (Frank Gillen TIR's social media!) @thearcknight (techno lord Adam Cross)
Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt
Direct download: TIR_Sleepovers_Pillow_Fright_podcast_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST |