This Is Rad!

This week Kyle and Matthew welcome back Rosalie Atkinson to the show. While Rosalie is a near endless font of musical knowledge, she changed it up on us for this episode and decided to talk about the bro-sploitation television empire that is Ghost Adventures. We explore both what is compelling and what is hilarious about the show. Plus, we go deep on the Las Vegas attraction Zac Baggins Haunted Museum. We also learn Rosalie is even more afraid of ghosts than Kyle and she shares with us her own experience with a ghost.


Also: Near the end of the episode it is reveals that Kyle will be in a web series adaptation of Fantastic Land! He'll be playing the leader of the circus freak camp, Glennn Guignol. More information soon on when and were you can see it but he's super excited to be a part of the show!


Weekly Rads:

Kyle - Homemade Reeses Bars (food)

Matthew - Whose Line is it Anyway? (Show)

Rosalie - The collective awakening that the New Radicals are a great band! (Long overdue cultural realization)


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Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records 

Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!


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Direct download: TIR_Ghost_Adventure_Rosalie_Atkinson_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST