This Is Rad!

Kyle, Matthew, Rivers, Carter, and Taylor have returned from their pee break and finish their year in radview...


from pt. 1:

This week Kyle and Matthew banish 2020 back to the hell from whence it came! They do so with the help of Rivers Langly and Carter Glasscock from The Goods from the Woods and Taylor V-H. They discuss the year that was and reminisce about TV, movies, video games, and music that came out. They also share their personal ups and downs over the year and how they all learned and adapted to some real sudden changes in plans for the year. They also share things they are grateful for and look at how they learned and grew through this experience.


We split this ep into 2 parts because five hours seemed like a bit much for one episode even by our standards....


This Is Rad is grateful to our listeners for letting us be a part of your 2020. From Kyle, Matthew, and Laura, along with the rest of the TIR family, thank you.


Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!


Check out our merch! 

Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records 

Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!


Follow us on social media or whatever!

Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt

Instagram: @thisisradpodcast


Direct download: TIR_2020_Year_in_Radview_pt2_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am PST

This week Kyle and Matthew banish 2020 back to the hell from whence it came! They do so with the help of Rivers Langly and Carter Glasscock from The Goods from the Woods and Taylor V-H. They discuss the year that was and reminisce about TV, movies, video games, and music that came out. They also share their personal ups and downs over the year and how they all learned and adapted to some real sudden changes in plans for the year. They also share things they are grateful for and look at how they learned and grew through this experience.


We split this ep into 2 parts because five hours seemed like a bit much for one episode even by our standards....


This Is Rad is grateful to our listeners for letting us be a part of your 2020. From Kyle, Matthew, and Laura, along with the rest of the TIR family, thank you.


Go to and subscribe to send in questions for our Listener Questions episodes, to get exclusive bonus episodes, extra content, and access to the This Is Rad Discord server!


Check out our merch! 

Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records 

Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!


Follow us on social media or whatever!

Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt

Instagram: @thisisradpodcast




Direct download: TIR_2020_Year_in_Radview_pt.1_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST