This Is Rad!

This week, Kyle and Matt are joined by comedian Matt Cole for a chat about the glorious music of the 1990's. Grunge! Smooth R&B! Hip Hop! Third Eye Blind! This episode is a veritable smorgasbord of music nerdery and we hope you enjoy. Even for as long as we talked we could still do another ten episodes like this so please hit us up with your favorite 90's jams and maybe we can add them to the list for the next one. But for now, please enjoy this super fun episode. Fun bonus note: We recorded this episode in late just before starting Summer of Rad episodes. So anytime we say something that time stamps the episode, just think of it as low rent time travel!


Weekly Rad:


Kyle – Horizon Chase Turbo (game)


Get yourself a sweet sweet Summer of Rad 2019 poster! 


Check out Laura's new designs on TeePublic!!!


Guys, Kyle's new album Absolute Terror is offfically out!!! Get it wherever you stream music... no for real... do it now... please...

This episode is sponsored bywww.mackweldon.comuse the promo code RAD and get 20% off your first order.

Check out our merch!

Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records

Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!


Follow us on social media or whatever!

Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt

Instagram: @thisisradpodcast





Direct download: TIR_90s_Music_second_bleep_added_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30pm PST