Tue, 22 January 2019
Man, sometimes we have good timing. This week Kyle and Mathew chat with Robert Ahn about his love for director Yorgos Lanthimos. And wouldn't you know it, Mr. Lanthimos just got nominated for Best Director for his fantastic new film The Favorite. Kyle and Robert break down what makes Lanthimos' work so compelling and they hope that like Burnside, by the end of this episode you'll give him movies a try. His mix of stylized acting and dark humor is super distinct and there's not better time to go check his stuff out so you can seem worldly and hip when your friends ask if you've ever heard of him. Plus, we go on a couple insane tangents. Burnside get's real silly. He's a fun guy.
Weekly Rad:
Kyle – Pod Minutes To Cast Night (podcast)
This episode is brought to you by Mack Weldon! Go to www.mackweldon.com and use the promo code RAD to get 20% off your first order.
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