This Is Rad!

This week Kyle and Matthew chat with Katie Pajao about the Canadian teen melodrama glory that is Degrassi. They explore what exactly it is about the show that is so captivating. They discuss how Nickelodeon's deep cable spin off channels changed how a whole generation views Canadian teen life. And they talk about Drake. But also, Katie plays a large part in Kyle's becoming a stand up and you get to hear some stories of high school drama club Kyle. And who doesn't want that? It's a wild ride and there are lots of tangents. Good times man.


Weekly Rads:


From a sleepy Kyle...


Linda, Linda by The Blue Hearts (song)


We're You're Friends, Man by The Bevis Frond (album)


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Direct download: TIR_Degrassi_Katie_Pajao_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:22am PST