This Is Rad!

This week on the show Kyle and Matthew welcome Rebekah and David McKendry to discuss the madcap world of exploitation cinema. Rebekah and Dave are incredible sources on the topic and in this episode they barely even scratch the surface. Folks, we got ourselves another going series here! But this episode has some FANTASTIC info if you have ever been interested in the topic. Go beyond the scratchy film filter of iMovie and dig into what defines an exploitation film. Learn that exploitation goes all the way back to the earliest days of motion pictures. They explore early “educational” films that featured dubious information about taboo subjects, plus the group analyzes why everybody at nudist camps plays so much volleyball. This episode is a lot of fun if you love the underbelly of the film world.


Check out Rebekah and Dave's upcoming holiday horror film All the Creatures Were Stirring which is out on December 4thon VOD and perfect for your holiday movie list!


Weekly Rads:

(Man we had a whole lot of weekly rads this week!)


All: Detective Pikachu (movie)


Kyle: Basketball: A Love Story (documentary) and Diablo 3 for the Nintendo Switch (video game)


Matthew: King of the Hill on Hulu (show)


Laura: Unobscured (podcast)


Matthew and Laura: Jackbox Party Pack 5 (video game)


Kyle's twitch stream will be 7pm pst on 11/23/18, stay tuned for the name of our twitch channel! 


Check out our merch! 


Follow us on social media or whatever!

Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt

Instagram: @thisisradpodcast


Direct download: TIR_Exploitation_Films_The_McKendrys_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30pm PST