Tue, 9 October 2018
This week on the show Kyle and Matthew continue Radtober with the hilarious Jen Saunderson. They chat about the horror anthology movie. The scary short story is maybe horror's purest form and the anthology film has created fun and spooky way to pack a bunch of short stories into one movie. But it wouldn't be rad without some sweet sweet riffs and Jen is truly a riff machine. By the end of this episode you will know to beware the Blandyman. Plus, the recorder falls over at one point and you get to hear Kyle make a pretty goofy sound. We all touch on some of our favorite horror anthologies but man, there sure are a lot of them so please tweet at us and let us know some of your favorites!
Hey! LootCrate's back! Use the promo code “thisisrad” at checkout and get 30% off your order!
Weekly Rads: Kyle: Hell Fest (movie) Matthew: The Good Place (TV Show) Laura: The Great British Bake Off (TV Show)
Go check out (and buy) our AMAZING Radtober 2018 poster designed by Laura Knight! https://bit.ly/2NqIBgX
Follow us on social media or whatever! Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt Instagram: @thisisradpodcast Tumblr: thisisradpod.tumblr.com http://www.thisisradpodcast.com
Direct download: TIR_Horror_Anthologies_Jen_Saunderson_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30pm PST |