This Is Rad!

This week on the show Kyle and Matthew are joined by comedian Eric Bell to discuss the Nintendo 64. Thrill as three dudes of a very specific age wax poetic about their formative years spent with the system. Yeah,we talk about Golden Eye. Yeah, we talk about Smash Bros. This episode is fun because everybody had a different set of games that defined the system for them. They chat about the glory days of local multiplayer. Kyle recounts a story of trying to play Golden Eye after years of playing twin stick shooters. They all discuss that magical summer Smash Bros came out where it felt like you couldn't go anywhere without getting sucked into play. But they also bring up some deep cuts. This is one of those great episodes where we didn't even notice we'd done two hours and felt like we could have done even more. If you're feeling nostalgic for the early days of 3D gaming, strap in. And while you're at it, DO A BARREL ROLL!


Weekly Rads:


Matthew: The Playstation Mini (video game thing)


Kyle: Universal Halloween Horror Nights (event)


Laura: The Adventure Time series finale (show)


Update: It gets mentioned in the episode but Kyle would like to thank EVERYONE who has emailed in aobut letting him run his hour. He was not expecting the amazing outpouring of support and is currently formulating a plan. Check back next week for more info and thank you again for being rad, Radsters!

heck out our merch! 


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Direct download: TIR_N64_Eric_Bell_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30pm PDT