This Is Rad!

Criiime! Today we've got ourselves a crossover episode! Kyle and Matt welcome Rich Slaton and Jon Shefsky for a discussion of the grimy world of crime. Rich and Jon have a podcast called Criiime where they in fact talk about crime. True crime. Yes, just like that other podcast. Yes, and that OTHER podcast. True crime is very popular. Criiime is insanely fun that is absolutely worth checking out. Kyle and Rich also go way back to their early days as stand up comics. This episode is mayhem but there is a lot of fun to be had. We explore crimes across history and go pretty deep into the insane world of counterfeiting. Also we just might have a bonus Mean Boy stop by during our intro!


But more importantly, if you enjoy this mayhem, you can catch Kyle as a guest for Criiime's live show at The Comedy Store this Saturday (June 30th, 2018) at 9pm. Plus, if you order your tickets in advance from The Comedy Store website and use the code “lawbreaker” you'll get FREE tickets!!!!


Fair Warning: The language on this episode gets pretty salty. If you find yourself sensitive to our more overtly crass episodes, maybe skip this episode and we'll meet you back here next week for the start of Summer of Rad. No harm no foul but you can't say we didn't warn you. So if you tweet at us, we'll probably send you a screen cap of this message. But we still love you.


Weekly Rads:

Matthew: Evil Genius (show)

Kyle: Albeit Living by Sextile (album)

Keith: The Incredibles 2 (movie)

Kasey: Fruits of Gomorrah by Terminal A (album)


Follow us on social media or whatever!

Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt

Instagram: @thisisradpodcast


Direct download: TIR_Criiime_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm PDT