This Is Rad!

Ruh-ruh-ruh-raaaaad. This week on the show Kyle and Matthew are joined by our very own Laura and animator extraordinaire Mike Mayfield for an indepth discussion of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. This is one of everyone on the episodes favorite movies and we get deep into the production, the back story, the crazy animation tricks, and the insane copyright issues that make this movie a true one of a kind. For real, no part of this movie should work and instead it's one of the best movies ever. It's also kinda a commentary track we had it playing in the background as we talked about it so if you really, really want to you can follow along (just basically start the movie when we get past the intro and you'll be following along). If it weren't for this movie both Mike and Laura might not have gone into animation. This movie legit changed the lives of some of the folks on this episode! So sit back, relax, and enjoy four people aggressively nerding out about an awesome move.


Weekly Rads:

Kyle and Matt review E3 2018!


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Direct download: TIR_Rodger_Rabbit_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:36pm PDT