This Is Rad!

Body mod y'all. To the beat y'all. This week Kyle and Laura (and eventually Burnside) sit down to chat with returning guest J Gonzo and one of our new favorites, Stephanie Savage, to talk about the wild world of body modification. We get a history of modern piercing and tattoos. Kyle recounts just hours ago when J Gonzo gave him a new tattoo (the words “Slow Ride” on his back, check out our social media for pictures). Steph blows our minds with her stories about doing suspensions. Plus we answer a ton of fan questions and get really in depth about the pros and cons of getting your dick pierced. If you've ever been curious about the world of body modification this is a fun place to start with two incredibly talented people.


Weekly Rads:

Kyle: His new “Slow Ride” tattoo (by J Gonzo)

Laura: Thor: Ragnarok (movie)

Gonzo: Bonfires on the beach

Steph: Vacations

Direct download: TIR_BodyMod_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30pm PDT