This Is Rad!

Get ready to pop some tags cause this week Kyle and Matthew are sitting down with comedians Jenny Zigrino and Jasmine Ellis to talk about vintage clothing. Jenny used to buy and sell clothes on Etsy and describes her best thrifty thrills and secondhand finds. Other topics include rag houses, steampunk vs. burlesque vs. cosplay and old timey undergarments. This episode is sponsored by Mack Weldon's fine men's underwear and more. Enter the promo code RAD at for 20% off your next order.

Weekly Rads: Metallica's new single "Hardwired," Retro Rad at NerdMelt on August 26th at 7pm (follow @kyleclarkisrad to watch the event live on Periscope), "Pool Cleaners" screening at Channel 101 on August 27th at 8 and 10 pm, and our forthcoming guide on how to make a podcast on

Raddendums: The Brady Bunch, H.R. Puffenstuff, Graceland 2, Shorkie, Fairuza Balk, J. Z.'s New Album, Amadeus, Singles, Yaya Han (46:00), LARPing, Alex Gross, Rogue burlesque, the Tumblr of classroom board porns, Porn Comments, Nasty Gal and Girl Bus, Raghouse in Minnesota, Etsy, Good Hair, Jheri Curl, Fancy Ray and his Taco Bell commercial, Torrid, Special K in "Can't Hardly Wait," Smart Guy, Negativland & U2

Direct download: 117_Vintage_Clothing_-_This_Is_Rad.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:43pm PST