This Is Rad!

Rad control to Major Tom... This week we sit down with comedian/Animorphs expert Brent Schmidt to talk about Sekret Machines, the new multimedia project by Blink-182's Tom Delonge. Brent read the books Chasing Shadows and Gods, both first parts in two separate trilogies of books in the series. Brent first walks us through Chasing Shadows, the 700+ page novel, and it is a sci-fi epic of the highest caliber. Kyle, who was never a Blink fan, is blown away simply by the sheer scope of the project. There are a few spoilers along the way, but we'd be hardpressed to think that after everything you hear you won't be at least a little curious to give it a read. After breaking down the novel, the gang is just getting started. They move over to talk about Gods, the non-fiction sister book to Chasing Shadows, and this where things get weird, folks. Kyle and Brent take Natalie and Burnside on a journey around the stars and into the deepest recesses of the human mind. Thrill at the idea of theories beyond the comprehension of modern science! Marvel at the weird places where magic and science merge! Kick back, get groovy and enjoy one of the weirdest, wildest and most lively chats we've ever had on This Is Rad! Come in with an open mind. We are not presenting hard fast facts, but we do break open some very interesting ideas that lead to some fun conversations. Plus, we get into a couple sweet riffs about lip piercings. Take your protein pills and put your helmet on, radsters!  

Weekly Rads: Not E3, Emmylou Harris, One Punch Man, Moreton Bay Fig Tree, Fetch Quest & Doctor DC, and our special guest John Ungaro!

Raddendums: Coast to Coast; Chasing Shadows; Gods, Man, and War; Operation Paperclip; Gravity's Rainbow, Sightings, Anton Levay, Babylon 5, Jacques Vallée, Last Podcast on the Left, The Edgewood Arsenal, Necronomicon, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica

Direct download: 162_Tom_Delonges_Sekret_Machines_-_This_Is_Rad.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:19pm PST