This Is Rad!

Yo quiero "This Is Rad!" This week Kyle, Matthew and Producer Natalie are joined by return guest Becky Joiner to talk about her supreme love for Taco Bell. They discuss Becky's iron stomach, living in close proximity to test kitchens, Kyle's aversion to mixing sweet and savory, swap meat swap meets and "Drop the chalupa, pick up the mic." Also, Becky introduces everyone to her new holiday "Livemas."


P.S. Sorry the music at the beginning drowns us out a bit. What can we say, we love us some Das Racist.

Weekly Rads: Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo, our new YouTube video "How to Make a Giant Watermelon for $50!", Nathan for You (third season), Reminder to donate to the Kickstarter for Friday the 13th: The Game

Direct download: 74_Taco_Bell_-_This_Is_Rad.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:48pm PST