This Is Rad!

This week Matthew is on assignment so Kyle and Laura welcome Lacretia Lyon to the show to chat about the long running cult favorite show Supernatural. They talk about handsome Dads. And handsome boys. And at one point it spins off into a chat just about cute boys in general. Plus we talk about demons. And how great monster of the week shows are. Plus, we entertain the idea of an all CW universe cross over event and how insane that might be. Lacretia has an encyclopedic knowledge of pop culture stuff that rivals or maybe even surpasses Kyle. So kick back, relax and watch the references fly!


Weekly Rads: 

Kyle - Spider-Man: Enter The Spider-Verse (movie)

Laura - A Series of Unfortunate Events (Netflix series) and The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson (book) 

Lacretia - King of the Hill (show) 


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Direct download: TIR_Supernatural_lacretia_lyon_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30pm PST