This Is Rad!

Not so long ago in a podcast far, far away, Kyle and Matthew joined forces with comedians Ed Greer and Klee Wiggins to talk about Star Wars: The Force Awakens: One Month Later! Now that everyone's had a chance to see the movie many times over, our reigning Jedis are ready to discuss the awesomeness that is Rey, Finn, Kylo Ren and BB-8. They talk about seeing the movie with different audiences, their expectations and predictions, #EwokLivesMatter and of course everyone's favorite Wookiee. Warning: This episode is loaded with spoilers. You've been warned! Check out Klee and Ed's podcast at and their show at the Comedy Store on Sundays at 11pm!

Weekly Rads: The Big Short, Thomas Ligotti (Songs of a Dead Dreamer and Grimscribe,The Conspiracy Against the Human Race), The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up by Marie Kondo

Side Rads: The 10th season of It's Always Sunny, the 2nd season of Fargo

Raddendums: Pollock, Jeff Bridges, True Grit, Filth, Unsung, Midnight Star, Attack the Block, John Boyega watching the Star Wars trailer, cartoon of BB-8 dreaming about how he came to be

Direct download: 84_Star_Wars_The_Force_Awakens_-_This_Is_Rad.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:28pm PST