This Is Rad!

This week on the show Kyle and Matthew welcome the delightful Rosa Pasquarella to the show to discuss the brilliant Canadian sitcom Schitt's Creek. Rosa and Kyle have worked together on several job and currently share an office (along with Robert from the recent Yorgos Lanthimos episode). Rosa and Matthew are big fans of Schitt's Creek and so Kyle gets to take the Burnside spot and learn about what makes the show so fun. Plus, Laura pops in with her thoughts as well. Plus, some sweet riffs and a special appearance by a certain “ghost with the most.” Schitt's Creek is currently on Netflix so go check it out!


Weekly Rads:


Matthew - Apex Legends (video game)


Kyle – The Haunted Forest Tour by Jeff Strand and James A. Moore, Sick House by Jeff Strand, and Pet Semetary by Stephen King (books/audiobooks)


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Direct download: TIR_Schitts_Creek_Rosa_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30pm PST