This Is Rad!

This week Kyle, Matthew, and Laura welcome back Joe Kaye for a feature length commentary on the 90's animated summer classic A Goofy Movie. Thrill as every breaks down which anthropomorphized animal character was their sexual awakening. Plus, Powerlines might be the most underrated artist of the 90's. We also talk about the waking nightmare that is the new trailer for Cats. And you better believe Kyle has some strong opinions about Disney Afternoon. A fun cinematic journey into the summer of rad. As a bonus, on the intro Kyle is joined by Jen Saunderson for some extra fun riffing. They imply they might be starting a new podcast so stand by for more info on that in the future (and you thought there wouldn't be any more teases for new stuff after Comic Con!).


Note: If you're trying to watch this episode as an actually commentary, go ahead and pause the movie during the Mack Weldon ad. It's not compensated for in the time code. But you do get Sack Weldon and Blandyman talking! This episode is a star studded affair!


Weekly Rads:


Kyle – The Ice Cream Man (comic)


Jen – A Netflix rabbit hole of late 90's / early 00's lady movies like Under The Tuscan Sun, How to Make an American Quilt, and Devine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (movies)


Get yourself a sweet sweet Summer of Rad 2019 poster! 


Check out Laura's new designs on TeePublic!!!


Guys, Kyle's new album Absolute Terror is offfically out!!! Get it wherever you stream music... no for real... do it now... please...

This episode is sponsored bywww.mackweldon.comuse the promo code RAD and get 20% off your first order.

Check out our merch!

Also! Check out march for Kyle's record label Radland Records

Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!


Follow us on social media or whatever!

Twitter: @ThisIsRadPod @kyleclarkisrad @MatthewBurnside @LMKnightArt

Instagram: @thisisradpodcast





Direct download: TIR_A_Goofy_Movie_Joe_Kaye_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30pm PST