This Is Rad!

This week Burnside is on assignment so Kyle is solo chatting with comedian Pete Buchbauer. Pete and Kyle were on a show recently and figured out Pete is friends with Kyle's cousin's husband. Sure it's a bit of a Spaceballs level relation but still neat. They chat about 90's and 00's Pop Punk. Kyle's been vocal about hating this genre but still knows a lot about it. They largely explore the origins of pop punk, it's rise to prominence, and its evolution during the early 00's. Plus, they share their experiences playing in bands and the influence of regional scenes on Pop Punk's evolution. Then they start talking comedy and it goes off the rails for a while. But its some good comedy talk nonetheless. This is absolutely a topic we'll be returning to again in future episodes. For now, enjoy!


Weekly Rads:

Kyle – Woodstock '99: 3 Day of Peace, Love, and Rage (documentary)



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Also! Laura started an online store for her art! Go buy all of her stuff!!!


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Bonus Social Media!

Kyle's Horror Podcast Everything is Scary with Jen Saunderson @podscary (Twitter)

Kyle's Comic “Tales from an Analog Future” @analogfuturecomic (Instagram)

Kyle's Record label Radland Records @radlandrecords (Instagram)



Direct download: TIR_90s00s_Pop_Punk_Pete_Buchauer_final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PST