This Is Rad!

I'mma let you finish, but first this week Kyle and Matthew gotta sit down with comedians Rivers Langley and Jason Webb to talk about the beautiful dark twisted fantasy of Kanye West. Along the way, they realize they have all lived the same life as failed teachers and know nothing about the stock market. Other topics include their favorite “krazy” Kanye moments, the reddit theory that David Bowie predicted Kanye West's birth, and the proud Burnside family tradition of farting. This episode is sponsored by Mack Weldon's fine men's underwear and more. Enter the promo code RAD at for 20% off your next order. 

Weekly Rads: Don't Think Twice, Robert Williams & Pop Surrealism, Mr. Robot, sending Adam Murray texts of Randy Quaid naked with a banana over his crotch, Bojack Horseman, Amber Heard donating money to victims of domestic violence

Raddendums: Comedy Under the Influence, Gold Digger, The College Dropout, 808 and Heartbreak, Yeezus, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, "Power,” "Runaway,” "Dirt Road Anthem,” Luke Bryan, "Bound 2,” Life of Pablo, Through the Wire

Direct download: 118_Kanye_West_-_This_Is_Rad.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:38pm PDT